Sécurité de l'Information, Cybersécurité, Systèmes et Réseaux

Section thématique : Sécurité de l'Information, Cybersécurité, Systèmes et Réseaux

  • Baumard Ph, Kobeissi, Nadim, « L’algorithme et l’ordre public », Arch. phil. droit, 58, 2015, pp. 269-288.
  • Baumard Ph. "The behavioral paradigm shift in fighting cybercrime: Counter- measures, innovation and regulation issues", International Journal on Criminology, 2(1), 2014, pp.11-22
  • Baumard Ph. « La cybercriminalité comportementale : Historique et régulation », Revue française de criminologie et de droit pénal, 3, octobre 2014, pp. 40-75.
  • Baumard Philippe, Cybersecurity in France. Springer Briefs in Cybersecurity, Springer 2017, ISBN 978-3-319-54306-2, pp. 1-106
  • Baumard, Ph, “Numérisation, liberté et sécurité », Politique Internationale, no 135, pp. 371-377, 2012.
  • Baumard, Ph, « Comparing National Approaches and Doctrines in Cyber-Security », Forum international sur la coopération en Cyber-sécurité. Garmisch 23/04/2013 
  • Baumard, Ph, « Cyber-security and cyber-peackeeping : French and Russian research advances and perspectives » (organisateur), Ecole Polytechnique – Chaire Innovation & Régulation – AMU – CSFRS.14/06/2013      
  • Baumard, Ph.             “Les cultures de l’information en Asie, aux Etats-Unis et en Europe de 1945 à nos jours: une synthèse”, Le Renseignement et l’Asie, de 1945 à nos jours, colloque de l’Irsem, en partenariat avec l’Umr-Irice 8138 et l’Université Paris IV-Sorbonne, 16/05/2012. 
  • Baumard, Ph.            « Cyber-Doctrines versus Innovation: Anticipating Future Shifts in Cybersecurity » à la conférence Cyber-security: Innovation, Regulation and Strategic Shifts, Ecole Polytechnique Chaire IRSN – Ecole Militaire.Paris, 21/11/2012
  • Baumard, Ph.            « Preventing False Flag Campaigns Through Machine Learning », Workshop “Advanced Strategies in Cybersecurity”, Freie University, Berlin and Foreign Office, Berlin Europasaal.12/02/2013
  • Baumard, Ph. « Deterrence and escalation in an Artificial Intelligence Dominant Paradigm : Determinants and Outputs », MIT International Conference on Military Cyber Stability, MIT CSAIL Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. 13/12/2016          
  • Baumard, Ph. « Escalation and Deterrence under multi-level cyber conflict », Conference Cyber Norms 5.0: Implementing A Normative International Cybersecurity Architecture, MIT CSAIL Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. 8/03/2017Boston    
  • Baumard, Ph. « La régulation des contre-mesures contre les cyber-attaques », Archives de philosophie du droit, vol.56, 2013, pp.177-195
  • Baumard, Ph. « The economic efficiency of cyber-innovation », The Digital Society Conference 2016. Defending Democracy - Increasing Innovation, ESMT Berlin.23/11/2016        
  • Baumard, Ph. « Work Factors Analysis in IC infrastructures: Pitfalls and Limitations », Conference Cyber Norms 4.0: Designing A Normative International Cybersecurity Architecture, MIT CSAIL Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory 9/03/2016      .
  • Baumard, Ph. Palo Alto, « Public Policy Facing Critical Technological Shifts in International Critical Infrastructure Protection », Session Chair, Cyber Summit, East West Institute, Stanford University, SIEPR-Gunn Building: Koret-Taube Conference Center. 5/11/2013          
  • Baumard, Ph. Paris « Current policies to counter use of cyber capabilities for state-sponsored and/or disruption and abuse of legal frameworks, agreed fair practices and discussion of their validity », conference “Cyber Fair Play” for Sustainable International Relations and Trade: Protecting Intellectual Property, Trade and Societies from Systemic Cyber-Treats » (co-organisateur), Ecole Militaire, CSFRS – MIT CSAIL, Freie Berlin, Chaire IRSN Ecole Polytechnique.10/07/2014      
  • Baumard, Ph. Paris, « Crafting a national cybersecurity strategy : technology, régulation and trade », (président du comité d’organisation), The International Conference on Cyber Fair Play: Protecting International Trade and Intellectual Property from Systemic Threats, Ecole Militaire (en collaboration avec le MIT Csail, l’ESMT Berlin et le CSFRS).9/2/2015           
  • Baumard, Ph. Paris, « Le hacking éthique », Conférence «L’ordre Public », Fondation Jean Jaures, Association de Philiosophie du Droit. 17/09/2015    
  • Baumard, Ph. Paris, « Les contre-mesures contre les cyber-attaques : affaire publique ou affaires privées ? », Colloque L’entreprise dans tous ses Etats, Université de Paris I – Institut CDC pour la Recherche 14/09/2013
  • Baumard, Ph. Paris, « Modernizing International Procedures Against Cyber Enabled Crimes » (discutant), Global Cyberspace Cooperation Summit V, Berlin, Ministère Allemande des Affaires Etrangères – East West Institute. 04/12/2014
  • Baumard, Ph., « Analyse comportementale des attaques persistantes avancées : contributions de l’intelligence artificielle », Conférence Aristote – Ecole polytechnique1/12/2016          .
  • Baumard, Ph., « Necessary Transformations, Theory, Practices, and Strategic Thinking », Conference Cyber, Security, and Economics: Challenges to Current Thinking, Presumptions, and Future Cyber Defense Transformations, Center for Cyber Conflict Studies (C3S), US Naval War College, December 8, 2016.8/12/2016
  • Baumard, Ph., « Self-Incongruity Metrics and Work Factor Analysis », MIT Workshop on Multi-spectrum Metrics for Cyber Defense MIT CSAIL, Cambridge, MA, October 28-30, 2013
  • Baumard, Ph., « The economic efficiency of cyber-innovation », The Digital Society Conference 2016. Defending Democracy - Increasing Innovation, ESMT Berlin.23/11/2016        
  • Baumard, Philippe, “Using Machine Foreknowledge to Enhance Human Cognition”, in: P. Naim, O. Pourret et B.G. Marcot (Eds), Bayesian Belief Networks: A Practical Guide to Applications, New York: Wiley, 2010, pp. 365-375.
  • Benali F., S. Ubéda, and V.Legrand. Préparation des messages de sécurité pour la classification automatique de messages. In Ecol'IA 2008 : Apprentissage et fouille de données : de la théorie à la pratique, Tunisie, March 2008. Best Paper Award.
  • Benali F., S.Ubéda, and V.Legrand. Automatic Classification of Security Messages Based on Text Categorization.. In 8ème Conférence Internationale sur les Nouvelles Technologies de la Répartition (NOTERE), Lyon, June 2008.
  • Benali, F., V. Legrand, and S.Ubéda. An Ontology for the Management of Heterogeneous Alerts of Information System. In The 2007 International Conference on Security and Management (SAM'07), Las Vegas, USA, June 2007.
  • Benali, F., S. Ubéda, and V. Legrand. Collaborative Approach to Automatic Classification of Heterogeneous Information Security. In The Second International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies SECURWARE, Cap-Esterel, August 2008. Note: Best Paper Award.
  • Beyazıt Esra Aycan, Berna Özbek and Didier Le Ruyet, « On Stream Selection for Interference Alignment with Limited Feedback in Heterogeneous Networks » accepted to ETT june 2016
  • Beyazıt Esra Aycan, Berna Özbek and Didier Le Ruyet, « On Stream Selection for Interference Alignment in Heterogeneous Networks », Eurasip Journal on Wireless communications and networking, DOI: 10.1186/s13638-016-0575-7, march 2016
  • Cai Y. Rodrigo C. de Lamare, Didier Le Ruyet, "Transmit processing techniques based on switched interleaving and limited feedback for interference mitigation in multi-antenna MC-CDMA systems", IEEE transactions on Vehicular Technology, Volume 60, Issue 4, pp 1559 --1570, May 2011.
  • Cai Yunlong, Rodrigo C. de Lamare, Didier Le Ruyet, "Transmit processing techniques based on switched interleaving and limited feedback for interference mitigation in multi-antenna MC-CDMA systems", IEEE transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2011.
  • Chang Bruno S, Carlos A. F. da Rocha, Didier Le Ruyet, Daniel Roviras, "Widely linear MMSE precoding and equalization techniques for SC-FDE", EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, may 2014
  • Chrislin LELE, Didier Le Ruyet “Decoding schemes for FBMC with single delay STTC”, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, vol. 2010, no. 6, Article ID 689824, 11 pages, 2010.
  • Chrislin Lélé, Didier Le Ruyet, "Decoding schemes for FBMC with single delay STTC", EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, vol. 2010, no. 6, Article ID 689824, 11 pages, 2010
  • Collomb, A. Sok, K. (2016b), Blockchain / Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) : What Impact on the Financial Sector ?, Digiworld Economic Journal, No. 103, 3rd Q. 2016.
  • Galice S. V., Legrand, M., Minier, J., Mullins, and S., Ubéda. A History-Based Framework to Build Trust Management Systems. In Second International IEEE SECURECOMM Workshop on the Value of Security through Collaboration (SECOVAL 2006), pages to appear, august 2006.
  • Gaycken Sandro, “Does not compute - old security vs new threats”. Datenschutz und Datensicherheit 36(9): 666-669 (2012)
  • Gaycken Sandro, Cyberwar - Das Internet als Kriegsschauplatz. Open Source Press 2011
  • Gaycken Sandro, Cyberwar - das Wettrüsten hat längst begonnen: Vom digitalen Angriff zum realen Ausnahmezustand (2. Aufl.). Goldmann 2012,1-255.
  • Hourbracq Matthieu , Pierre-Henri Wuillemin, Christophe Gonzales, Philippe Baumard, “Learning and Selection of Dynamic Bayesian Networks for Non-Stationary Processes in Real Time. FLAIRS Conference 2017: 742-747
  • Hourbracq Matthieu, Pierre-Henri Wuillemin, Christophe Gonzales, Philippe Baumard, “Real Time Learning of Non-stationary Processes with Dynamic Bayesian Networks”. IPMU (1) 2016: 338-350
  • Hourbracq Matthieu, Pierre-Henri Wuillemin, Christophe Gonzales, Philippe Baumard, “Apprentissage et sélection de réseaux bayésiens dynamiques pour les processus online non stationnaires”. Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle 32(1): 75-109 (2018)
  • HuMa: A Multi-layer Framework for Threat Analysis in a Heterogeneous Log Environment.FPS 2017: 144-159
  • Julio Navarro, Véronique Legrand, Aline Deruyver, Pierre Parrend, « OMMA: Open Architecture for Operator-guided Monitoring of Multi-step Attacks », 2018 (accepté pour publication)
  • Juwendo Denis, Mylène Pischella, Didier Le Ruyet, “A Generalized Convergence Criterion to Achieve Maximum Fairness Among Users in Downlink Asynchronous Networks using OFDM/FBMC”, IEEE Wireless Communication Letter, sept 2014
  • Khanfir Hajer, Didier Le Ruyet, Berna Ozbek , " Reduced feedback load with User Selection Algorithms for the Multiuser MISO Systems ", Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies (ETT) , 24(7-8): 809-819 (2013)
  • Legrand V., P. Parrend, O. Gaouar, « ArchiTrace : Apprentissage de la sécurité par les traces », Conference: WESSI - 1er Workshop sur l'Enseignement de la Sécurité des Systèmes d'Information, 2014.
  • Legrand V., P. Parrend, S. Frénot, P. Collet, M. Minier, Vers une architecture 'big-data' bio-inspirée pour la détection d'anomalie des SIEM, C&ESAR 2014: Détection et réaction face aux attaques informatiques, Rennes, France, novembre 2014
  • Legrand, V., Parrend, P, « DIM: A cognitive architecture for detecting anomalies in complex IT ecosystems », ECCS, European Conference on Complex Systems, 2014.Lindner Felix "FX”, Sandro Gaycken, “Back to Basics: Beyond Network Hygiene”. Best Practices in Computer Network Defense 2014: 54-64
  • Maurizio Martellini, Stanislav Abaimov, Sandro Gaycken, Clay Wilson, Information Security of Highly Critical Wireless Networks. Springer Briefs in Computer Science, Springer 2017, pp. 1-73.
  • Medjahdi Y, Michel Terré, Didier Le Ruyet, Daniel Roviras, Ali Dziri, "Performance Analysis in the Downlink of Asynchronous OFDM/FBMC based Multi-cellular Networks" IEEE transactions on Wireless Communications, Volume 10 Issue 8, pp 2630 -- 2639, August 2011.
  • Medjahdi Y., Michel Terré, Didier Le Ruyet, Daniel Roviras, Ali Dziri, "Performance Analysis in the Downlink of Asynchronous OFDM/FBMC based Multi-cellular Networks", IEEE transactions on Wireless Communications, Volume 10 Issue 8, pp 2630 -- 2639, August 2011.
  • Medjahdi Yahia, Michel Terré, Didier Le Ruyet, Daniel Roviras, "Interference Tables: a useful model for interference analysis in asynchronous multi-carrier transmission", EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, dec 2013.
  • Özbek Berna, Didier Le Ruyet, " Adaptive limited feedback design for cooperative multi-antenna multicell networks", Eurasip Journal on wireless communications and networking, nov. 2014, pp 1-11
  • Özbek Berna, Didier Le Ruyet, " Feedback channel designs for fair scheduling in MISO-OFDMA systems ", Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking July 2012.
  • Özbek Berna, Didier Le Ruyet, Mylène Pischella " Adaptive reduced feedback links for distributed resource allocation in multicell MISO-OFDMA", IEEE Wireless Communication Letter, nov 2013
  • Perez-Neira, Ana I., Marius Caus, Rostom Zakaria, Didier Le Ruyet, Eleftherios Kofidis, Martin Haardt, Yao Cheng, “MIMO Signal Processing in Filter Bank-based Multicarrier Systems” (tutorial paper), IEEE trans. On Signal Processing, DOI: 10.1109/TSP.2016.2580535, volume x, pages x-x, 2016
  • Pischella Mylene and Didier Le Ruyet, "Adaptive resource allocation and decoding strategy for underlay multi- carrier cooperative cognitive radio systems Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies (ETT), 24(7-8): 748-761 (2013)
  • Pischella Mylène, Didier Le Ruyet, "Optimal power allocation for the two-way relay channel with data rate fairness", IEEE Communication letters, may. 2011.
  • Pischella Mylène, Didier Le Ruyet, "Optimal power allocation for the two-way relay channel with data rate fairness" IEEE Communication letters, Volume 15 Issue 9, pp 959 -- 961, September 2011
  • Sofiane Lagraa, Véronique Legrand, Marine Minier. Behavioral change-based anomaly detection in computer networks using data mining. International Symposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection, 2017,
  • Yongqing Qian, Hong Sun and Didier Le Ruyet, "Double-Level Binary Tree Bayesian Compressed Sensing for Block Structured Sparse Signals", IET Signal Processing, vol 7 issue 8, doi 10.1049/iet-spr.2012.0180, pp. 774 – 782, oct 2013
  • Zakaria R., Didier Le Ruyet, , "Partial Interference Cancellation with Maximum Likelihood Sequence Detection in FBMC Spatial Multiplexing System", EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, DOI: 10.1186/s13634-016-0339-x, dec 2016
  • Zakaria R., Didier Le Ruyet, « Theoretical Analysis of the Power Spectral Density for FFT-FBMC signals," accepted to IEEE Communication letters, july 2016, volume x, pages x-x, DOI 10.1109/LCOMM.2016.2588497
  • Zakaria Rostom, Didier Le Ruyet, "A novel filter-bank multicarrier scheme to mitigate the intrinsic interference: application to MIMO systems", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication, vol. 11(3), pp. 1112-1123, 2012.
  • Zakaria Rostom, Didier Le Ruyet, "Intrinsic interference reduction in a filter bank based multicarrier using QAM modulation", Elsevier Physical Communication, 2013.
  • Zhang Haijian, Didier Le Ruyet, Daniel Roviras, "Spectral Efficiency Comparison of OFDM/FBMC for Uplink Cognitive Radio Networks", EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, vol. 2010,Article ID 621808, 14 pages, doi :10.1155/2010/621808, 2010
  • Zhang Haijian, Didier Le Ruyet, Daniel Roviras, Hong Sun, "Non-Cooperative Multi-cell Resource Allocation of FBMC based Cognitive Radio Systems", IEEE trans on Transactions on Vehicular Technology, dec 2011
  • Zhang Haijian, Didier Le Ruyet, Daniel Roviras, Hong Sun, "Non-Cooperative Multi-cell Resource Allocation of FBMC based Cognitive Radio Systems", accepted to IEEE trans on Transactions on Vehicular Technology, dec 2011
  • Zhang Haijian, Didier Le Ruyet, Daniel Roviras, Hong Sun, "Polyphase Filter Bank based Multi-band Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Systems", accepted to International Journal of Communication Systems, Wiley editor, march 2014
  • Zhang Haijian, Didier LE RUYET, Michel TERRE « Spectral Correlation of Multicarrier Modulated Signals and its Application for Signal Detection”, Eurasip Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Volume 2010, Article ID 794246, 14 pages, 2010
  • Zhang Haijian, Didier Le Ruyet, Michel Terré, "Spectral Correlation of Multicarrier Modulated Signals and its Application for Signal Detection", Eurasip Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Volume 2010, Article ID 794246, 14 pages, 2010