The role of experiential knowledge: what professionalization for drug users?
July 3, 2024
14h - 17h
Seminar moderated by Bertrand Lebeau Leibovici, addictologist
The role of drug user, self-support and community health associations, peer helpers, patient-experts and consumer forums on the Internet continues to grow in importance. In what places and social spaces are these particular organizations of support and even care work structured, and what are the specific features of each? What are the results? What exactly are the skills of these "laymen" who are becoming professionalized? Has recognition of these interventions really been achieved?
These are just some of the questions this new "Drug Policies" webinar will attempt to answer through a resolutely participatory approach, by interviewing teacher-researchers and social actors.
With the participation of : Pr. Hélène Donnadieu, CHU de Montpellier, coordinator of the ICONE 2 project: Intervention Communautaire en vue d'Eliminer le VHC parmi les personnes qui utilisent des drogues. Pr. Catherine Tourette-Turgis, Sorbonne University, founder of the Université des Patients. Fabrice Olivet, founder of ASUD, editor-in-chief of ASUD Journal. Jean-Marc Priez, former president of Techno+. Albert Caporossi, Médiateur Santé Pair, Hôpital Marmottan (to be confirmed)
Each talk will be followed by a discussion with an audience made up of politicians, association leaders, legal and security professionals.