Gian Piero Zarri
Gian Piero Zarri holds a M.Sc. in Electronic Engineering and a Ph.D. in Computer Science. After more than 30 years spent as Research Director at the CNRS, he now cooperates with the Paris-Sorbonne STIH lab. as a senior associated researcher. He has developed NKRL (“Narrative Knowledge Representation Language”), a tool used in many European Commission-funded projects that adds an “ontology of events” to the usual “ontology of concepts”. He is the author of more than 200 refereed papers about Artificial Intelligence, Computational Linguistics, Information Retrieval, Intelligence and Global Security etc., and is editor, co-author and author of several books on the same topics. He has co-operated intensively with industry and has worked with international organisations such as, The European Commission, UNESCO and Eureka-Eurostar.